Little Red
Teenager Regina "Red" DeWitt lives with her father, Cooper DeWitt, just outside New Orleans, Louisiana. Shortly after Red's mother suffers a miscarriage and abandons the family, both struggle to cope in their newfound roles. Red has become reserved and angry, while Cooper has descended into destructive alcoholism. But when a mysterious monster begins stalking their family home, the estranged duo soon realize that the secret to defeating the creature, and saving their future, may be in letting go of the past.
Little Red
Presented By: Alexandria Pictures
Director: Brent Saltzman
Starring: Brittany Goodwin (The Mummy Rebirth, Fortnite, Gears of War 3), Vinnie Davis
Executive Producer: Kristin Hess
Creature Design: SixusOne Media
Running Time: 101 minutes
Music From: Ross Bugden, Featuring Claire de Lune by Claude DeBussy
Screenplay: Brent Saltzman, Based on the Fairytale Little Red Riding Hood
Release Date: December 24, 2021
Little Red
Presented By: Alexandria Pictures
Director: Brent Saltzman
Starring: Brittany Goodwin (The Mummy Rebirth, Fortnite, Gears of War 3), Vinnie Davis
Executive Producer: Kristin Hess
Creature Design: SixusOne Media
Running Time: 101 minutes
Music From: Ross Bugden, Featuring Claire de Lune by Claude DeBussy
Screenplay: Brent Saltzman, Based on the Fairytale Little Red Riding Hood
Release Date: December 24, 2021